Our branding process is a unique, carefully-developed model that helps our clients get results. It’s been meticulously scrutinised, rigorously road-tested and ruthlessly refined throughout our three years in business.

But most importantly, our process is fun. From thought-provoking workshop activities to building buyer personas, we have a number of powerfully-effective tools under our belt to create the perfect brand for your project.

It’s our job as brand alchemists to extract from you exactly what makes your brand tick, what’s at the very core of your DNA and what the best way is to communicate with your target audience. So taking all that into account, we’ve written up a quick overview on exactly how we get there - giving you a better understanding of what you can expect when you decide to work alongside us.

First stop, the workshop >>

In our workshops we immerse ourselves in the world of your project. No stone is left unturned.

Through a series of brand workshops with key stakeholders, and sometimes also adding some focussed market research into the mix, we can start to build up an accurate picture of the kind of organisation you should be.

Workshops can often throw up a lot of questions to which you don’t have the answer, and that doesn’t matter - it’s often the case that that’s exactly where our expertise comes in, using our experience and expertise to shape and guide the project. Questions such as “Have we really nailed who our target customer is?”, “Do we need to rebrand or not?” or “How do we know if people actually want our product?”

Brains, brains, brains >>

It might not seem it, but branding is a science. Just like in the lab, data is gathered and results analysed. This stage of the process is all about distilling what we found out from the workshops and market research then creating a logical strategy. This forms the foundations of your brand moving forwards and helps us establish what’s relevant and what’s not.

Be an explorer >>

This is the really exciting bit (for us creatives anyway!). This is the stage where we begin thinking about what your brand could look like. We explore tone of voice, logo options and language styles as well as looking into colour palettes and how supporting graphics could be styled. Each brand is based on it’s own unique concept with its own unique story.

Refinement >>

Once you’ve had chance to mull over the proposed brand options we’ll develop and hone your preferred concept. We’ll finalise exactly how the brand should be applied, think about execution across print and web platforms as well as developing your tone of voice further. We’ll commission photographers and illustrators to create imagery where needed and employ our talented copywriters to help your brand make an impression.

For more information on our branding process, as well as our other services, get in touch with The Creative Alchemist today on 01642 224706.