Each year as a company, we always like to do something for those less fortunate than us at Christmas time, and this year will be no different. Thanks to the kindness and generosity of businesses in The Boho Zone, last year we collected over 160 toys to give to underprivileged children in Teesside in partnership with The Salvation Army, which was an amazing achievement. We’re doing it all again this year, and we’re really hoping that we can pull together once again to smash last year’s effort.

It is reported that there are approximately 132,000 children living in poverty in the North East, which equates to around 24% of all children in the region, compared to 21% of all children nationally.

So, in order to make the festive season a little brighter for some of these children, we’re calling on local businesses to help us collect new, unwrapped toys and gifts which will be distributed to local underprivileged children in December, ready for Christmas Day. Our aim is to try and get every contact we have to simply donate a toy or gift. If we can achieve this, it would make a tremendous difference to the lives of local children and those less fortunate than ourselves.

We want to gather as many gifts as possible to send to The Salvation Army – this includes new, unwrapped toys and gifts for a wide range of age groups, from young babies right up to teenagers. If Christmas is a busy time for you and you don’t have the time to shop, but you still want to support the cause, please feel free to make a donation and we will go out on your behalf and purchase a suitable gift.

If you want to donate toys and gifts, or you simply want to know more about the appeal, you can find us on the ground floor of Boho One, Middlesbrough or email us at hello@thecreativealchemist.co.uk.